Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm Grateful...

...for good friends, obedient children, disposable diapers, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Kyle and I babysat today from 10am to 5pm. Both are good friends, and both had adorable, well behaved, obedient children. Babysitting is much more fun for us when all that comes together!!

Also... I'll leave you with my newest printable! - would be ADORABLE in a nursery I think!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Grateful...

...for friendly reminders. My sweet friend Camille wanted me to make her some printables and I just ADORE the quotes that she gave me.

This one, is so applicable to me. Kyle and I don't have almost anything figured out, but we still have to move forward. It especially touches my heart when I think about this summer and everything that happened with my sweet little family, and how we had no idea what would happen, but we just had to move forward. You always have to move forward.

Thanks, darling - for being my friend, and being so wise!!

P.S. Camille, please come visit me! I'm only 12 hours away!!!

A Day at the Zoo

 I love home videos. They are such a great, fun, way to remember life's moments. So, I made this little video...

We went to the Zoo yesterday and it was AWESOME. Kyle is off on his quarter break which means we get to do lots of family things!! We literally had the whole zoo to ourselves. Seriously. There were maybe 10 other people there. Plus, it was a gorgeous day. We had so much fun!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm Grateful... is simple. I'm grateful for my babies. Best things to happen to me. EVER.

Date Night

For Christmas this year, Kyle & I decided to make each others gifts as opposed to buying them (because we are poor). Kyle's gift from me was a binder full of dates! Woo!! With two kids, our date nights were getting fewer and farther between and that's NEVER good.

So I planned one big date for each month, made a printable for the date, and put it in his handy dandy notebook.

This was January's...

It was fabulous... The Temple is always a good place to go and I always feel rejuvenated after we go. To learn more about why I go to the temple, click here.

February's date was AWESOME this month!!!

Sorry about that last part.... TMI maybe?? But we are married...

The Auto show was AWESOME!! It gave us some serious car envy, but our little Ford Focus is still trucking along.. It was so nice to get away and enjoy the evening together!

what's missing here?? I'll give you a hint... NO DOOR HANDLE!!!! You just tap the side of the car to open the door!!

The new corvette

We saw one of these one our way to the auto show.. BEAUTIFUL car. I want one. Anniversary maybe?

do you see that price tag?? Ah!

I'm happy because I found the car I want... an Escalade. Happily, Kyle wants one too now.

It was such a nice night, although next year, I'm not wearing such a heavy coat. And I'm bringing a smaller purse.

Also... how could you not love living in a big city... I love driving through downtown.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm Grateful...

...for simple reminders that help me try to be better. This Sunday, the talks were exactly what I needed to hear.

Was your Sunday everything you needed it to be?

Sunday Dress

Sunday is the day for poofy, sparkly dresses and oversized bows.

Maila rocks this look PER-FECTLY!
After all, sometimes you just need to wear a flower as big as your head.

What a diva.


Gah. She's gorgeous. Can't stop gushing over her!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm Grateful...

...for my baby girl. I know, I know... two days in a row of posting more than once. I must have TOO much time on my hands!!!

I just couldn't resist sharing this pic... I don't know why but I have so very few of my and my baby together, I'm trying to remedy that...

Isn't she gorgeous? It's ridiculous! She *almost* looks her age!! She's getting bigger!!

I love her.

It can be kind of a scary thing to do...

NO SEW Diaper Box Makeover

Let's get down to defeat the huns! I have a LOT of diaper and wipes boxes. LOTS. I hoard them so that I can do things like this!! 

Today, I got the itch to organize. I even opened up a new board in pinterest... I knew exactly where I wanted to go first. The dreaded hall closet upstairs which has been neglected since I moved into this apartment. Well, I shouldn't say neglected.. I throw things in there when I don't know where else to put them. 

Take a look at my nasty closet and keep your judging to yourself :)

Gross. See what I mean about things just being thrown in there. Literally. It's embarassing. Try not to look at those pictures again... instead, let's view the disaster close up...

 What do those two shelves need? (Besides a trash can)

BOXES!!!!! Something pretty to store everything THAT NEEDS TO BE THERE!!! Need is the key word here people. I threw away a whole trash bag full of crap from just this little closet.

So I put on my thinking cap, pulled out an unused wipes box, some fabric, my handy dandy glue gun and whipped these babies out.

You will not BELIEVE how easy it is! Best part... FREE. I'm a fabric hoarder remember??

 Here's how you do it in pictures:

Pull fabric up around box and hot glue in place.. don't worry about it looking junky, we'll fix that later

where the fabric folds over... don't worry about this junkiness either, it's getting fixed. WITH RIBBON! WOO!
cut ribbon a little longer than the height of the box, place over those nasty seams (as seen above) an attache at both ends

should look something like this - you only need to glue the top and bottom part of the ribbon - if you pull tight enough the ribbon won't gape on the box. It will look like it's glued down... without being glued down.... make sense??
attach the ribbon to the inside of the box also - to cover up that junkiness from earlier... glue both edges of the ribbon as well as your starting and stopping point

will look something like this - but your corners should be flat... I obviously messed up on that corner. Boo.
I made a cute little bow with the leftover ribbon and attached it to the middle... but you don't have to do that.

SO easy. In fact, it was so easy, that I made two!!! But I made the second just a teensy bit different...

  I love them. They're so pretty and FUNCTIONAL!! Which is the best.

They made such a different in my closet too... here are the before and after's of my shelves...




Organizing is a work in progress!! My one day focusing on my closet only got me this far - which is a HUGE improvement, but my closet is NO WHERE near organized enough! I still have to deal with the trash bags full of fabric on the top shelf... I told you I hoard it.  For now, let's just focus on the beautiful new boxes that store everything I need them to and the fact that those two shelves, at least, look SO much better!!

Organizing can be fun. Plus, if you want to be happy, an organized home never hurts.

 Your turn!!