So, first. We took a trip in early Aug. to say goodbye to Cole! He left for his mission in the Dominican Republic and I miss him terribly. It's really hard to not text or call him, etc. Especially when I'm used to doing that every day, multiple times a day. But it's ok, because he's out there doing the right thing. Which makes me happier than not having him here makes me sad. Does that make any sense? Anyways, it was a lovely opportunity to see all the people that we don't get to see all the time!!! I loved it!!
And no, the cute little black thing, not our dog. My parents got a new one.
I'm pretty sure it's to replace Cole while he's gone.
Her name is Sophie. They LOVE her.
which is the understatement of the century
Now, onto not so happy things. I know that alot of you have probably heard about this, but not seen anything about it. Which would make sense because we're the only ones that have pictures of it and I haven't put any up. But here you go. On Sept. 13 Kyle and I were woken up at 4:15ish a.m. to screaming, banging, hysterical people, etc. This is the lovely image we saw:

this pic of the siding isn't the building that caught fire,
this is across the walkway from my building, and all that happened
here was the siding got melted off because of the heat coming from the fire.
it was a big fire.
Kyle also got interviewed for our local news station about it.
Not exactly how you want your 15 min of "fame" spent, but oh well.
We are very blessed.
Not exactly how you want your 15 min of "fame" spent, but oh well.
We are very blessed.
And moving on, once again!! But this time back to HAPPY THINGS!!! I've been crafting my eyes out and I have a boat load of unfinished projects to prove it!! I wish i had pictures of all of them to share, but neither you or I have time to look at all them. Trust me, it's alot. One that I do have pictures of is my PUFF QUILT!! Which I absolutely ADORE!!!!!! It was tedious and still isn't one hundred percent complete (I have to finish hand stitching the binding) but I love it and it works for now.
You start with these:
sew them together, add siding, backing, binding, and
VIOLA! The worlds most adorable quilt.
I do love it
if someone wants a real tutorial on how to do this, let me know
But be warned that you need the help of an accomplice like mine:
he's so useful.
Other various projects have included redoing my bedroom. I know I posted earlier about a fabric I wanted to user, but after looking at it for an extended period of time, it really just didn't fit me. So I went brighter. I rearranged furniture, made pillows and this is the result. I love it, I'm pretty sure Kyle does (that's what he says) and it's okay if you don't. Because you don't live here.
Other various projects have included redoing my bedroom. I know I posted earlier about a fabric I wanted to user, but after looking at it for an extended period of time, it really just didn't fit me. So I went brighter. I rearranged furniture, made pillows and this is the result. I love it, I'm pretty sure Kyle does (that's what he says) and it's okay if you don't. Because you don't live here.
And last but not least, our little baby boys nursery. I FINALLY finished it. Lots of late nights, hard work, and just....well. Lots of work. But I like it and it works for me, and it's pretty much all lime green which I must admit I kind of love about it!!!
We are so ready for this little guy to get here!!!!
I can't wait to meet him and start that page in our lives!
Don't get me wrong, I'm terrified in all the right ways,
but I know Kyle will be an AWESOME father,
which must mean that I won't be that bad of a mom.
But until that little guy decides to get here,
This little guy will keep us occupied.
Our life really is wonderful.
We really are so blessed.
We really are so blessed.